Grigor Narekatsi’s Litigation at God’s Trial
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Grigor Narekatsi’s Litigation at God’s Trial
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Hayk А. Haroyan 
Occupation: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Department of History and Philosophy of Shirak State University
Address: Gyumri, Armenia
Nelli H. Haroyan
Occupation: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Social Departement of Yerevan State University
Address: Yerevan, Armenia

Grigor Narekatsi is a genius thinker of the Middle Ages. He is the author of many religioustheological and secular works, but his masterpiece is the philosophical-theological poem «The Book of Tragedy». In the course of many ages up to nowadays it has been perceived and commented as a Book of Prayers. However this kind of interpretation downplays the content of the book since it ignores its true meaning. The peculiarity of «The Book...» consists not in the fact that it is written in the mood of spiritual disposition of the epoch and is narrated in a religious form but in the fact that it is represented by way of a dispute with God triggering a controversy full of appeal escalating to rebellious confrontation which is in fact unacceptable and alien to the genre of prayer. In its integrity here lies the grief of a tragically humiliated soul which turns into a panhuman tragedy, into a tragedy of reasonable existence. In this regard, the tragedy portrayed in «The Book...» is multi-layered; on the one hand, it reflects human alienation from God and overcoming these controversies on the basis of unhindered reasonable faith as the true way of human perfection and redemption, on the other hand, the reflection of mental dualism: the conflict between good and evil, human and divine. The authors shed light on the proper philosophical-religious aspects of this many-sided work for the first time stressing its novelty, namely the attempts of improving the doctrine of the church, the reform-minded approach to the interpretation of the problem of interrelation between faith and reason, a human and God.

human, God, Faith, reason, sin, litigation, catharsis, church, existence, tragedy, redemption, humanism, perfection, religious philosophy
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