Ways and Intersections of Modern Epistemology (Reflections on Book)
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Ways and Intersections of Modern Epistemology (Reflections on Book)
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Natalia I. Kuznetsova 
Occupation: Professor at Department of Modern Problems of Philosophy at RSUH; Main Research Fellow of Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the RAS
Department of Modern Problems of Philosophy at Russian State University for the Humanities
Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article analyzes the problems of modern epistemology in the context of understanding the book by Lyudmila Alexandrovna Mickeshina, a famous and authoritative specialist in the field of modern epistemology and philosophy of science [Mickeshina 2016]. It is shown that modern epistemology is experiencing a period of thematic, terminological and meaningful transformations. The author draws the idea that in the book by L. A. Mickeshina carried out a large-scale attempt to demonstrate the intellectual processes in which philosophical gnoseology was involved and which ultimately substantially transformed its problems, goals and objectives. The bottom line is that in the 20th century traditional gnoseology turned into a discipline of a different nature ‒ an epistemology, striving to be as close as possible to concrete cognitive practice, to reflect urgent methodological inquiries and searches for scientific knowledge. Special attention is paid to the distinction between classical and non-classical epistemology, the problem of rationality, understanding the role of phenomenology for the expansion of modern epistemological problems, the dialogue of cognitive practices as one of the most important methodological strategies of the modern philosophy of knowledge, etc. In the foreground are also a discussion of the possible contours of a modern ontology of knowledge, presented in the national epistemological projects of V.A. Lectorsky, B.I. Pruzhinin, V.S. Stepin, V.N. Sadovsky, N.S. Autonomova.

gnoseology, epistemology, theory of knowledge, interdisciplinary synthesis, dialogue of cognitive practices, philosophy of knowledge
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