Doctrinal Foundation of Neo-Thomism: «Twenty-four Thomist theses»
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Doctrinal Foundation of Neo-Thomism: «Twenty-four Thomist theses»
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Rodion V. Savinov 
Occupation: Senior Lecturer
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

The article considers ne of the most Important Sources that influenced the Development of Neo-Thomism: «Twenty-four Thomist theses», promulgated on July 27, 1914, and became the Doctrinal Foundation of the Intellectual Culture of the Catholic Church until the Period of «Aggiornamento». The General Historical Conditions for the appearance of this Document are revealed, that caused its Publication. It is determined that the Version of Thomism that was presented in these Theses was more Stringent than the Tomism of Neo-Scholastics of the 18th –19th Centuries, the was formed of which was influenced by Other Trends of Medieval and Post-Medieval Thought. A General Overview of the Theses is proposed, and the Systematic Consctrustion of the Theses is emphasized, connected with the Design of Philosophy that was Characteristic to Neo-Scholasticism and included such Parts as Ontology, Cosmology, Psychology and Natural Theology. Some Features of the Theses are shown, in particular, their Sharpness against the Materialistic and Cartesian Understanding of Matter, an Axiomatic Affirmation about the Essential Independence of Thinking from Corporeality. The Article gives a Russian Translation of Twenty-Four Thomist Theses, and Commentary showing some Specific Features of the Content of this Text.

Thomism, philosophy, theology, neo-scholastics, neo-Thomism, Catholicism, metaphysics
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1. Acta Apostolicae Sedis (1914) Acta Apostolicae Sedis. Commentarium Officiale, An. VI, Vol. VI, Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, Romae, рр. 383–386.

2. Garrigou-Lagrange, Réginald (2013) The Essence & Topicality of Thomism,, Morrisville, North Carolina, pp. 61–80.

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4. Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae and other Treatises, Russian Translation.

5. Gilson, Étienne (1948) L’être et l’essence, Russian Translation.

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12. Shmonin, Dmitry V. (2009) “Regulae professoribus, or as the Jesuits taught philosophy”, Review of Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, Vol. 10, no. 4 (2009), pp. 84–99 (in Russian).

13. Vdovina, Galina V. (2016) “Species impressa: on the intentional forms in cognitive doctrines of postmedieval Scholasticism”, Philosophy Journal, Vol. 3 (2016), pp. 41–58 (in Russian).

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15. Vdovina, Galina V., Shmonin, Dmitry V. (2010) ‘Life and Alive in the Treatises “On the Soul” of the XVII Century’, Review of Russian Christian Academy for Humanities, Vol. 11, no. 3 (2010), pp. 56–69 (in Russian).


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