On the Issue of Interdisciplinary Directions for Analysis of Problems of Economic Sovereignty of the State
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On the Issue of Interdisciplinary Directions for Analysis of Problems of Economic Sovereignty of the State
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Oleg Yu. Boldyrev 
Affiliation: Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Faculty of Law, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In the article two types of interdisciplinary directions are considered: directions at the intersection of constitutional and international law and directions at the intersection of economic science and jurisprudence, including directions at the intersection with the constitutional-legal science. It is concluded that "law & economics" ("economic analysis of law") and "constitutional economics", claiming to analyze the law using economic methodology, reduce the understanding of the economic methodology only to the "mainstream" methodology. It is shown that for lawyers the so-called "classical" institutionalism is the methodologically most close direction of economic science. And for constitutional lawyers "institutional political economy" is the most close direction. It's proposed to develop a "political and economic analysis of law" (as a methodological alternative to "economic analysis of law") and "constitutional political economy" (as a methodological alternative to the "constitutional economics") in framework of "institutional political economy".

economic sovereignty, the integration law, economic law, legal institutionalism, constitutional political economy
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