Semyon Frank about Leo Tolstoy: "The Knowing Ignorance" (Docta Ignorantia)
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Semyon Frank about Leo Tolstoy: "The Knowing Ignorance" (Docta Ignorantia)
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Svetlana M. Klimova 
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: School of Philosophy of National Research University Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The article describes the dynamics of relationship of S.L. Frank towards Leo Tolstoy within several decades. Tolstoy’s logic and ethics are explored through the prism of Frank’s teaching and outlook. Particular attention is paid to the two foundations of this prism: the ethical and logical collisions of Tolstoy and the intelligentsia and the study of «dual» and «whole» Tolstoy in Frank’s earlier and later articles. The analysis allows us to notice not only the ethical, but also the philosophical influence of Tolstoy on Frank himself on a number of key problems connected both with the logic and methodology of cognition, and with the doctrine of the soul and society. Tolstoy is considered as an endless magic point of attraction not only for Frank, but also for the intelligentsia. The Russian «thinker and artist» has always been a life guide and a model of uncompromising honesty, allowing to approach, as closely as possible, the understanding of his teaching and personality, but he remained to be an eternal mystery which cannot be evolved even by an omniscient man. Frank clearly showed that Tolstoy is a universe, which is always greater than what we can understand in it.

Leo Tolstoy, Semyon Frank, Fr. Nietzsche, deontology, utilitarian ethics, intelligentsia, antinomism, integrity, community, cohesion, duality, dogmatism, love for near and far
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