Towards Conceptualization of Morality in the Early Modern Philosophy
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Towards Conceptualization of Morality in the Early Modern Philosophy
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Ruben Apressyan 
Occupation: Chief Research Fellow; Head of Department
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In the Early Modernity (16th to 18th centuries) moral philosophy goes through severe changes – growing opposition to a theonomous approach to morality, new attitude to normative force of moral ideas, the conditions of morality, an ability of the person to moral mode of thinking, a criterion of moral distinctions, etc., moral philosophy shifts its subject matter and the understanding of the sphere of ethics. However, the advancement in the content associated with the sphere of ethics is not always connected with elaboration of the idea of morality as such. A generalized concept of morality is taking its shape gradually – on various discursive sites, in regard to different topics, in a form of diverse terms and conceptions. On the whole, in the course of development a generalized concept of morality in the Early Modernity moral philosophy swings in its focus from virtues to morality, which becomes its true? Though abstract and uncertain subject matter.

Early Modern Moral Philosophy, ethics, concept of morality, Natural Law theories, theonomous ethics, moral ability, Friedrich Jodl, Alasdair MacIntyre, Oleg Drobnitsky, Stephen Darwell
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