The State Sovereignty in the Realm of the Philosophical Reflexion: the Civilization Strategies and the Biopolitics
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The State Sovereignty in the Realm of the Philosophical Reflexion: the Civilization Strategies and the Biopolitics
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Aleksandr Dyakov 
Occupation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy, Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Aleksei Sokolov
Occupation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy, Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of political sovereignty in the history of modern civilization. The author's hypothesis is that the essential moment in the formation of bourgeois society was the coherence of two processes of a different plan. The first is the assertion of personal sovereignty; the second is the emergence of state sovereignty. These two elements determine the essence of Western civilization strategy, which is realized in the spirit formats: geopolitics and biopolitics. Each of these formats is updated to varying degrees in the era of classical and postclassical capitalism. The period of formation of the capitalist system is characterized by a geopolitical trend. In the period of global domination of capitalism, the geopolitical tendency is transformed into a biopolitical trend. The authors defend the view that the main mechanism for the emergence of both geopolitical and biopoloitic tendencies is the reactivation of the institution of property. So in the period of the formation of capitalist relations, various types of corporate property give way to private property; In addition, the agricultural use of land – the main object of ownership – is replaced by an industrial one. Post-capitalist "revaluation" of property has revealed its new content associated with an intimate, predominantly inner definition of a person: emotions, sensations, thoughts; despite the fact that the general attitude towards alienation of property has been preserved. On this basis, the authors conclude that the value status of personal sovereignty is belittled, which becomes an immediate threat to political sovereignty as a basic element of the modern civilizational system.

sovereignty, biopolitics, power, state, State sovereignty, capitalism
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