Actual Unreliability as a Factor of War
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Actual Unreliability as a Factor of War
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Andrey Kokoshin 
Occupation: Academician; Dean of the Faculty of World Politics; 6th Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation
Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

An integral part of the modern theory of war as a socio-political phenomenon must be a deep understanding of the fact that it is a war that is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and unreliability. To the modern war of any type and scale, the almost forgotten clauses of Clausewitz on the "friction of war" and on the "fog of war" are fully applicable. This is also true in the context of the multiple complications of military machines of leading states, the rapid growth of various technologies, including technologies for processing "large data", the development of intellectual systems (artificial intelligence systems, etc.). Under the influence of the "friction of war" and the "fog of war," the use of armed violence for political purposes can become a little-controlled and even uncontrollable process. Sources of "friction of war" are, among other things, increased psychological stress, various stresses. A high degree of uncertainty arises, in particular, due to the striving of the opposing sides to mislead the enemy using various forms of misinformation and bluff, actively using among other things the means of information and technological impact.

theory of war, friction of war, fog of war, Clausewitz, Svechin, desinformation, making decisions, military machine, intelligent systems
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