A.F. Losev: between political journalism and social epistemology
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A.F. Losev: between political journalism and social epistemology
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Elena Takho-Godi 
Occupation: Prof. of the Dep. of History of Rus. Literature, MSU; Lead. Research Fellow, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, RAS; Head of the dep., The Library of history of Russian philosophy and culture “A.F. Losev House”
Lomonosov Moscow State University
A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences
The Library of history of Russian philosophy and culture “A.F. Losev House”

The article precedes the publication of the previously unknown A. F. Losev’s journalistic opus «The organization of the secondary school» (see Appendix) and refers to the early period of the philosopher’s work (late 1910s–1920s) – the time of his greatest social and political activity. The main attention is paid to Losev’s political journalism relating to 1918, devoted to problems of school education. The socio-political context that provoked the appeal of the young philosopher to this problem is revealed. At the same time, the aim is to enter this political journalism into the philosophical context of Losev’s creativity. This approach helps to see the connection of Losev’s reflections on the organization of school education with his reflections on the introduction of the human person to higher knowledge – to faith. The author shows that Losev’s thought is gradually moving from the analysis of political reality and solving the problems of spiritual education of the child to the consideration of the problem of «objective truth» and its historical transformations and, further, in the books of the 1920s and in the artistic prose of the 1930s, to the reconstruction of various types of thinking generated by religious doctrines and the social reality. The analysis allows to reveal the general basis of publicistic, artistic and philosophical texts, as well as to raise the question of possible convergence of social epistemology and Losev’s doctrine of «relative» and «absolute» mythologies, the most consistently developed by the philosopher in his book «The Dialectics of Myth».

A.F. Losev, school, knowledge, publicist article, mythology, epistemology
The scientific investigation was carried out at the Institute of World Literature A.M. Gorky the Russian Academy of Sciences with financial support of Russian Science Foundation (RSF, the project № 17-18-01432).
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