Philosophy of Historical Memory
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Philosophy of Historical Memory
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Irina Yu. Alekseeva 
Occupation: Leading Research Fellow at Department of Philosophical Problems in Social Sciences and Humanities
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Aleksandr P. Alekseev
Occupation: Chairman at Department of Philosophy for Humanities, in Philosophical Faculty
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

The paper deals historical memory as a field of research and practice. Different modes of thought, systems of norms and values of different academic disciplines (as well as of transdisciplinary practices) interact on this field. The authors of the paper take into consideration approaches of historians, sociologists, political scientists, journalists, political technologists. The authors stress that certain concepts of cognitive psychology are appropriate in philosophy of historical memory. By analogy to critical and substantial philosophy of history the authors distinguish critical and substantial philosophy of historical memory. Several modes of “political uses of the past” with corresponding politics of memory receive estimation in the paper. Consideration of history from the point of “technological determinism” seems to be relevant to politics of memory in present Russia. Serious challenges to Russian society cause importance of rethinking of historical experience of breakthroughs in science and technologies. It implies that knowledge of history of science and technology should be relocated into active memory of the society and processing of the knowledge should involve economic, legal and moral influences.

philosophy of history, philosophy of historical memory, philosophy of complexity, historical memory, collective memory, politics of memory
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