Nirvana and Anarchy: the Doctrine of the “Five Negations” by Zhang Binglin
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Nirvana and Anarchy: the Doctrine of the “Five Negations” by Zhang Binglin
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Dmitry E. Martynov 
Affiliation: Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kazan
Yulia Martynova
Affiliation: Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kazan

The article anticipates the first Russian translation of the utopian doctrine by Zhang Binglin

(Zhang Taiyan, 1869–1936), expressed in the article Wu wu lun (On the Five Negations, 1907). Formally, this doctrine can be considered the most radical of utopias proposed by Chinese anarchists. For the liberation of mankind in the global perspective, Zhang Binglin envisaged the universal enlightenment of mankind (Bodhi), the attainment of Nirvana and the liquidation for the physical universe, subject of Karma. In this connection, N.M. Kalyuzhnaya and Kondo Kuniyasu considered this project as a kind of accident in the ideological heritage by Zhang. However, apparently, this view needs to be corrected. The doctrine by Zhang Binglin is internally consistent and directed against popular at the beginning of the 20th century in China theories of Evolutionism and Social Darwinism. Zhang Binglin realizing for the first time the duality of social changes that require the transformation of both objective reality and human subjectivity, offered the most radical way beyond the prevailing conditions, using the Yogachara Buddhism. Human beings are hostile not only to social institutions and cultural achievements (since weapons and murder are primarily developed), but even a sedentary way of life, since there is no equality in nature.


utopia, anarchism, Buddhism, nirvana, the Qing dynasty, Zhang Binglin
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2. Kalyuzhnaya, Nina M. (1995) Tradition and revolution. Zhang Binglin (1869–1936) Chinese thinker and politician of modern times, Moscow (In Russian).

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