About the Community and Ritual Activity of Women in the Medieval Daoism (on the Example of Texts of the Stans of the School of Quanzhen Installed in Beijing)
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About the Community and Ritual Activity of Women in the Medieval Daoism (on the Example of Texts of the Stans of the School of Quanzhen Installed in Beijing)
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Irina Belaya 
Affiliation: independent researcher
Address: Russian Federation, Kursk

The article is devoted to the study of the female spiritual perfection in the Daoist school Quanzhen. The study is based on the sources describing the history of women's convents “Jade Perfection Monastery” (Yuzhenguan), “Jade Flower Monastery” (Yuhuaguan) and “Monastery Where the Perfect are Honored” (Chongzhenguan), which was built in the 13th century on the territory of the modern Beijing. Based on the above material, which tells about the daily life of women's communities, one can formulate the ideas about the community and the ritual activities of the Daoist nuns of the Quanzhen school in the medieval China, and also clarify the role of the women in this religious movement. The special attention in the article is paid to the rules of the behavior in the monasteries of the Quanzhen school and the analysis of the algorithm of the healing ritual Tian Xin Zheng Fa.


China, Beijing, Taoism, Taoist nuns, Quanzhen school, formal rules, healing rituals, Tian xin zheng fa.
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