Modern Philosophical and Social-Political Thought of China
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Modern Philosophical and Social-Political Thought of China
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Leonid Yangutov 
Occupation: DSc in Philosophy, Professor
Affiliation: Institute for Mongolian, Buddhism and Tibetan Studies SB RAS
Alexandr Chebunin
Affiliation: East-Siberian State Institute of Culture
Address: Russian Federation

The paper considers modern tendencies in the development of philosophical and sociopolitical thought of China, which is characterized by the successful combination of traditions and innovations, continuity of ideas, and respect for their ancient cultural legacy. The research traces the place and the role of Marxism in philosophical thought in China in the processes of its evolution, relevant economic, political, cultural, and social realities of China at every stage of its development. The paper talks about the interest in traditional Chinese philosophies, Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism, about a new look at these teachings, which, in modern terms, preserve their content and simultaneously absorb new humanistic trends actively participating in the regulation of social relations. The paper analyzes the theory of soft power, which at present defines the political strategy of the Chinese leader both in home and in foreign policy and harmonizes with the concept of "Chinese dream" proclaimed the state leader Xi Jinping. The main components of "soft power", among which the power of culture is marked, involve the harmonization of the internal socio-cultural space and creation of attractive image of China in other countries. Here the combination of traditional cultural values, primarily Confucian, with social and political values of modern society plays a very important role. Along with Confucianism, the values of Taoism and Buddhism participate in the implementation of the idea of harmonious development. The conclusions mark that while traditionally the phenomenon of syncretism included three Teachings – Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, nowadays there are four components – Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Marxism – in the framework of the unified ideological system of the Chinese mentality.


philosophy, political thought, Marxism, dialectics, historical materialism, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, soft power, tradition, innovation, harmony.
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