Editorial Board (8)
Scientific and methodical content of Education and Science Journal «Istoriya» is provided by the Institute of World History of Russian Academy of Science and functioning on the basis of History faculty of the State Academic University for the Humanities, which enables the integration of academic science and higher education.
Alexander O. Chubarian
Chief Editor
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Adviser of the Institute of World History, President of the State Academic University for the Humanities.
Institute of World History Profile
Denis V. Fomin-Nilov
Deputy Editor
Rector of the State Academic University of Humanities, Scientific Secretary of the Scientific and Methodological Council for History, (The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) University Profile
Yoshida Hiroshi
Ph.D in History, Associate Professor, Okayama University
James Ryan
Ph.D. in History, Lecturer in Modern Russian History, Cardiff University, Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (FRHistS)
Cardiff University Profile
Mikhail A. Lipkin
Deputy Editor
Professor of History, Director of the Institute of World History, Professor of the State Academic University for the Humanities
Institute of World History Profile
Denis S. Sekirinskiy
Deputy Editor
Ph.D. in History, Secretary of the Association of Historians of Americanists
eLibrary Profile
Nikolay V. Promyslov
Executive Secretary
Ph.D. in History, Vice-rector of the State Academic University for the Humanities, Researcher at the Institute of World History
eLibrary Profile
Boris Yablokov
Managing Editor
Ph.D. in History, Head of the State Academic University for the Humanities Press, Member of Association of Science Editors and Publishers
S.A.U.H. Profile
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Editorial Сouncil (12)
Scientific and methodical content of Electronic Education and Science Journal “ISTORYA” is provided by editorial council, which determines the main directions of journal development and forms the plan of journals’ thematic issues.
Korine Amacher
Professeure d'histoire de la Russie et de l’URSS. Directrice du département des langues et des littératures méditerranéennes, slaves et orientales (MESLO) Université de Genève
Magnus Ilmjarv
Senior Research Junior of the University of Tallinn (Estonia)
Artemy Kalinovsky
Assistant Professor of the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Ceslovas Laurinavicius
Head of the Department of the 20th Century History at the Lithuanian Institute of History
Boris Morozov
The Cummings Center for Russian and East European Studies of Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Evgeny Osipov
Ph.D. in History. Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of World History RAS
Marie-Pierre Rey
Professeur d’Histoire Russe et Sovietique. Directrice du Centre de Recherches en Histoire des Slaves (Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne). Directrice de l’Institut Pierre Renouvin
Antonio Giulio de Robertis
Professor of University of Bari (Italy)
David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye
Professor of Russian History Brock University (Ontario, Canada)
Valentina Fava
Ph.D. in Economic and Social History Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki (Finland)
Geoffrey Hosking
Emeritus Professor of Russian History, University College (UK, London)
Alexander Chubarian
Academican of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Director of the Institute of World History, President of the State Academic University of Humanities
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